Oracle Service Bus

Oracle Service Bus 12c: System Admin, Design & Integrate Accel

This Oracle Service Bus 12c: System Admin, Design & Integrate Accel Ed 1 training is a bundled course comprised of Oracle Service Bus 12c: Design and Integrate Services (4 days) and Oracle Service Bus 12c: Administration (2 days) courses.
This course covers 6 days worth of content in 5 days.
Explore how Oracle Service Bus can help your enterprise integration without having to write your own integration logic for every application.
Benefits to You
Walk away with the ability to configure and administer a Service Bus Environment to maintain interactions between services and applications. This course takes a use case driven approach to explain the OSB capabilities of connecting, mediating and coordinating the interaction between different applications and services across a variety of platforms, protocols and interface technologies.
Gain Hands-On Experience
Gain hands-on experience administering different components of Oracle Service Bus using the Service Bus Console and Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

95 000 ₽


5 дней (40ч в неделю)

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Удостоверение о повышении квалификации

Цели курса:

Perform high availability and clustering of Oracle Service Bus 12c
Implement message validation, routing, transformation and enrichment
Use Oracle Service Bus and OWSM to secure services
Test, debug, and troubleshoot Oracle Service Bus applications
Enable service level abstraction
Describe Oracle Service Bus architecture and functional layers
Expose a SOAP service as a REST service
Implement Oracle Web Services Manager security in securing Oracle Service Bus services
Describe Message Level Security and securing Oracle Service Bus
Use some of the basic transports protocols in Oracle Service Bus
Migrate an Service Bus configuration from staging to production environments
Automate Service Bus tasks by using WLST scripts
Configure and administer Oracle Service Bus 12c and its components

  • Use Oracle Service Bus 12c to make services interact in a decouple manner.
  • Overcome the challenges of location transparency. transport protocol mediation, message validation, message routing, message transformation, message enhancement and security in an integration project.
  • Implement enterprise-quality message flows with Service Bus 12c.
  • Install and configure Oracle Service Bus 12c.
  • Manage and maintain services hosted through Oracle Service Bus 12c.
  • Administer different components by using the Service Bus Console and Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

Как проходит обучение на платформе ФОРС

[ 01 ]

Знакомство с платформой

Платформа учебного центра ФОРС предназначена для удобного и комфортного обучения. Доступ к материалам будет открыт сразу после приобретения курса, а также навсегда доступен в личном кабинете.

[ 02 ]


Каждый раздел содержит уроки с теоретическими материалами в видео и текстовых форматах, а так же демонстрацию практических примеров от преподавателей. Самостоятельная работа поможет закрепить полученные знания.

[ 03 ]

Обратная связь и поддержка

Мы поддерживаем онлайн-ресурс, где слушатели всегда могут задать вопрос преподавателю или коллективно обсудить возможные проблемы с другими студентами. Вы всегда сможете получить необходимую информацию в личном кабинете.

[ 04 ]

Дипломы и сертификаты

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