Oracle SOA Suite 12c: New Features and Capabilities

This Oracle SOA Suite 12c: New Features and Capabilities Ed 1 training teaches you about the new features and capablities of the SOA Suite 12c product release as compared to the SOA Suite 11g product version.
Before taking this course, you're expected to have a solid background developing 11g SCA composite applications, especially with using BPEL components; while the SOA Suite 12c product includes a number of diffferent components, the scope of the course is focused on developing SCA composite applications.

By taking this course, you'll learn to make the most of the new features of Oracle SOA Suite 12c. While the focus is on Oracle SCA application development, you will get chance to explore new wizards and tools available in 12c.
You'll get a chance to participate in hands-on exercises to gain real-world experience using new features and new wizards, along with other development tools.

Explore REST Bindings and Correlation Sets

The training covers new wizards for REST bindings and correlation sets, as well as encypting PII data and creating fault policies.
Expert Oracle University instructors will dive into the new SOA debugger, templates, and BPEL subprocesses.

60 500 ₽


2 дня (16ч в неделю)

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Удостоверение о повышении квалификации

Цели курса:

  • Become familiar with the new features of SOA Suite 12c
  • Describe the four themes of Oracle SOA Suite 12c
  • Describe the differences between the three Quick Start Domain options
  • Describe the new features of the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control
  • Migrate SOA 11g Composite Applications to 12c
  • Manage shared design time artifacts using the design-time MDS Repository
  • Debug SOA composite applications with the SOA debugger
  • Create test suites and their test cases with the Create SOA Composite Test Wizard
  • Create a BPEL correlation set with the Correlation Wizard
  • Transform external, native format data to XML data that for use within SOA Suite 12c
  • Describe nXSD translation and XQuery Mapper
  • Learn how to Encrypt and Decrypt message fields
  • Define fault policies using the Fault Policy Wizard
  • Understand the format of REST web services and use the REST Binding Wizard
  • Describe the Managed File Transfer (MFT) Adapter
  • Create SOA composite templates and BPEL scope templates
  • Describe the new features of SOA Suite 12c.
  • Understand how, when and why to use the new features of SOA Suite 12c.
  • Use the new features of SOA Suite 12c to become more productive as a developer.

Программа курса

1 модуль
Программа курса:
  • Overview
  • Quick Start for Developers
  • Getting Familiar with 12c
  • JDeveloper Changes
  • Testing and Debugging
  • BPEL Editor New Features
  • Transformations
  • Protecting PII Data
  • Fault Policy and Encryption/Decryption
  • REST Binding Wizard
  • New Adapters & MFT
  • Templates & Subprocesses
  • Additional Enhancements
  • Appendix A: Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service

Как проходит обучение на платформе ФОРС

[ 01 ]

Знакомство с платформой

Платформа учебного центра ФОРС предназначена для удобного и комфортного обучения. Доступ к материалам будет открыт сразу после приобретения курса, а также навсегда доступен в личном кабинете.

[ 02 ]


Каждый раздел содержит уроки с теоретическими материалами в видео и текстовых форматах, а так же демонстрацию практических примеров от преподавателей. Самостоятельная работа поможет закрепить полученные знания.

[ 03 ]

Обратная связь и поддержка

Мы поддерживаем онлайн-ресурс, где слушатели всегда могут задать вопрос преподавателю или коллективно обсудить возможные проблемы с другими студентами. Вы всегда сможете получить необходимую информацию в личном кабинете.

[ 04 ]

Дипломы и сертификаты

Все документы об окончании курсов собраны в одном месте в электронном формате — вы всегда можете посмотретьи скачать их в личном кабинете.

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