Oracle Mobile Application Framework 2.1: Develop Mobile Apps
This Oracle Mobile Application Framework 2.1: Develop Mobile Apps training teaches you how to design and develop mobile applications using JDeveloper and the Mobile Application Framework extension. Expert Oracle University instructors will deep dive into the key design considerations with mobile applications, as well as how to develop, deploy, secure, and debug mobile applications for iOS or Android.
By taking this course, you'll expand your mobile application development skills using JDeveloper. You'll leave this course with the knowledge and skills to build fully-functioning mobile applications for Android or iOS platforms that are capable of displaying and persisting data, leveraging device features such as SMS and camera, and utilizing best practices in mobile UI design. You'll understand how to secure mobile applications and be able to debug mobile applications, regardless of their deployment platform.
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Цели курса:
Develop a user interface with MAF components
Add business logic to a mobile application
Deploy and test MAF applications
Use Web Services to communicate with remote servers
Read and write data to a local database
Describe the architecture of a MAF application and the MAF runtime
Use data visualization UI components
Invoke device-specific features
Use best practices for creating responsive mobile applications
Add security to your mobile application
- Design, build and deploy mobile applications
- Provide and persist data for mobile applications
- Leverage on-device features in a mobile application
- Add access control and authentication functionality to mobile applications
- Test, debug and determine the type of deployment before releasing your application
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