R12.x Payroll Fundamentals: Earnings and Deductions

This course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.
This course provides you a thorough knowledge on setting up payroll earnings and deductions in your organization. You learn about the role of definitions that Oracle Payroll uses to process earnings and deductions. You also learn about the templates and other implementation features available for earnings and deductions in your localization. The course also deals in detail with payroll balances and how you can write formulas to define payroll balances. You learn about how RetroPay works and set up of enhanced RetroPay. The course also deals with third party payments and how you can set up a deduction and third party payment. You also learn how to initiate, set up, and manage deductions for retirement plans.

120 000 ₽


2 дня (16ч в неделю)

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Цели курса:

Define and administer wage attachments
Use predefined earnings types
Set up pension providers, types, and schemes
Understand the role of payroll balances, and define new balances and balance feeds
Provide knowledge of setting up payroll earnings and deductions in an organization
Define deferred compensation plans and tax sheltered annuities
Write or configure simple payroll processing formulas
Set up and use catch-up provisions
Set up union deductions and professional body membership deductions
Set up enhanced RetroPay
Run the Union Deductions report
Learn to use element design wizard
Manage Arrears
Set up third party payment methods

  • Set up payroll earnings and deductions in your organization
  • Use definitions that Oracle Payroll uses to process earnings and deductions
  • Use templates and other implementation features available for earnings and deductions
  • Use payroll balances and learn how you can write formulas to define payroll balances
  • Manage third party payments and how you can set up a deduction and third party payment
  • Initiate, set up, and manage deductions for retirement plans

Программа курса

10 модулей
Introduction to Earnings and Deductions
Element Setup for Payroll
Writing Formulas
Defining Formula Results and Processing Rules
Controlling the Frequency of Processing an Element
Advance Pay
Net-to-Gross, Proration, and Historic Rates
Element Design Wizard
Managing Third Party Payments

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[ 01 ]

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[ 02 ]


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[ 04 ]

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