R12.x Oracle HRMS Compensation Workbench and Salary Configuration

Oracle HRMS enables you to set up and manage the compensation you provide for employees in your enterprise. This course teaches you how to set up and administer salary, grade-related pay, absences, and awards in your enterprise.

The modules in this course fall into the following three groups, which can be completed in any sequence:
Salary and Grade Related Pay and Progression Compensation and Awards Management Leave and Absence Management

160 000 ₽


4 дня (32ч в неделю)

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Цели курса:

Identify the compensation management tools that Oracle HRMS provides and explain their features and benefits
Identify salary components, salary basis, and salary elements
Demonstrate how to administer salary changes
Demonstrate how to enter and maintain compensation survey data
Learn how to set up grade rates, pay scales, and scale rates
Understand the grade/step progression business process
Demonstrate how to set up grade ladders and run the concurrent processes that manage grade/step progression
Demonstrate how to implement Compensation Workbench and determine and allocate compensation awards
Understand what Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD) is and the benefits of using it
Demonstrate how to record company and private vehicles in the vehicle repository
Describe how to allocate vehicles to employees
Learn how to set up absence types and elements
Describe how to define and configure accrual plans appropriate to your enterprise
Demonstrate how to view and analyze employee accruals
Configure total compensation statement
Configure criteria based rates

  • Manage salary and grade related pay and progression in your enterprise
  • Map market compensation surveys to the jobs and positions you use in your enterprise.
  • Implement and administer Compensation Workbench
  • Set up and administer Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD)
  • Maintain a vehicle repository and allocate company vehicles to employees
  • Use absence types, categories, and reasons to track and report employee absences

Программа курса

14 модулей
Introduction to Salary, Awards, and Absences
Implementing Salary Administration
Using Salary Administration
Grades and Pay Administration
Configuring Criteria-Based Rates for Variable Pay
Performing Compensation Surveys
Compensation Workbench (CWB)
Worksheet and Budget Sheet Configuration in Compensation Workbench
Compensation Workbench Plan Administration
Individual Compensation Distribution (ICD)
Configuring Total Compensation Statement
Vehicle and Mileage processing
Setting up Absence Management
Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure

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[ 01 ]

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[ 02 ]


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[ 04 ]

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