R12.x Oracle Sourcing Fundamentals

This course will be applicable for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 or Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.

In this course, participants learn how to set up and use Oracle Sourcing to manage and use the Buyer and Supplier home pages, navigation techniques, and to understand the functions of the three types of Oracle Sourcing users. Participants learn how to create negotiations utilizing various document types, as well as the process for responding, monitoring, and awarding negotiations. Additionally, participants will learn how to use negotiation attributes and line attributes, and to define and use reusable supplier price factors and price factor lists. Finally, participants learn how to create and modify forms and abstracts, and how to use transformational bidding.

Participants will learn how the Oracle Sourcing application fits into the Oracle Advanced Procurement product family and the key functional benefits provided by Oracle Sourcing. As such, this is accomplished through a series of hands-on demonstrations, supplemented with corresponding hands-on practice and exercises.

140 000 ₽


3 дня (24ч в неделю)

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Цели курса:

Use the buyer and supplier home pages
Determine the functions of the three types of Sourcing users
Understand how to create negotiations utilizing various document types
Understand how to respond, monitor, and award negotiations
Understand the process to invite suppliers to a negotiation
Understand the usage of the negotiation attributes
Understand subjective scoring
Define and use reusable supplier price factors and price factor lists
Understand the Sourcing process flow within the Advanced Procurement product family
Identify the key areas and benefits of Sourcing
Understand the new Sourcing Optimization product
Create and modify forms and abstracts
Understand how to use transformational bidding
Analyze the required set-up and implementation steps
Introduce how to use price factor lists
Understand and navigate the Sourcing user interface

  • Describe how Oracle Sourcing fits into the Oracle
  • Advanced Procurement product family
  • Create, respond, monitor, and award negotiations
  • Use and define reusable supplier price factors and price factor lists
  • Create and conduct Sourcing negotiations
  • Set-up and implement Oracle Sourcing
  • Learn to use the Buyer and Supplier home pages

Программа курса

13 модулей
Oracle Sourcing Functionality Overview
Oracle Sourcing Product Overview
Creating Negotiations
Using Negotiation Attributes
Additional Creation Tools
Responding to Negotiations
Monitoring Negotiations
Awarding Negotiations
Using Collaborative Messaging and Notifications
Using Forms and Abstracts
Using Transformational Bidding
Processing Large Negotiations
Setting Up and Implementing Oracle Sourcing

Как проходит обучение на платформе ФОРС

[ 01 ]

Знакомство с платформой

Платформа учебного центра ФОРС предназначена для удобного и комфортного обучения. Доступ к материалам будет открыт сразу после приобретения курса, а также навсегда доступен в личном кабинете.

[ 02 ]


Каждый раздел содержит уроки с теоретическими материалами в видео и текстовых форматах, а так же демонстрацию практических примеров от преподавателей. Самостоятельная работа поможет закрепить полученные знания.

[ 03 ]

Обратная связь и поддержка

Мы поддерживаем онлайн-ресурс, где слушатели всегда могут задать вопрос преподавателю или коллективно обсудить возможные проблемы с другими студентами. Вы всегда сможете получить необходимую информацию в личном кабинете.

[ 04 ]

Дипломы и сертификаты

Все документы об окончании курсов собраны в одном месте в электронном формате — вы всегда можете посмотретьи скачать их в личном кабинете.

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