Database Backup & Recovery Strategy for Oracle Cloud


The Database Backup & Recovery Strategy for Oracle Cloud course teaches you how to align or redesign your backup and recovery strategy either post migration or in preparation for your Oracle Database migration to Oracle Cloud.

This course is ideal for experienced DBAs who want to learn to manage backups on Oracle Cloud and take advantage of Cloud features, such as capacity on demand, built-in encryption, and built-in compression. It covers backup and recovery topics, considerations, and use cases, which are applicable for various implementation techniques and Oracle Cloud Services.

Learn To:

  • Align your backup strategy on Oracle Cloud
  • Improve SLA for Data Security
  • Manage SLAs, RTO, and RPO requirements of the organization on Oracle Cloud
  • Back up your on-premises database to Oracle Cloud
  • Encrypt your database while backing up to Oracle Cloud
  • Explore the backup and restore mechanisms and utilities available on a database hosted on Database Cloud Service
  • Customize backups on Oracle Cloud
  • Discuss customer use cases for Oracle Cloud Database Backups

Benefits to You

You should benefit from the interactive sessions that discuss the following areas:

Backup & Recovery Strategy

Expert Oracle University instructors provide an overview of what can change in a backup & recovery strategy involving the Oracle Cloud environment. With this, you can set up the backup environment as per your organizational requirement.

Benefits of Backing Up to Oracle Cloud

You get a deeper understanding of the benefits of backing up your database to Oracle Cloud. You will learn the special considerations while performing backups to Oracle Cloud either for your on-premises databases or databases hosted on Database Cloud Service.

Backup & Recovery Utilities

Finally, you'll learn how Backup utilities will assist you in database backup and database recovery for both single-instance and RAC databases. This will help you better manage your administrative tasks and also improve SLAs.

Ideal for Experienced DBAs

Taking this hands-on training will prepare DBAs for Cloud DBA certification exams.

Цели курса:

  • Describe the backup and recovery solutions and assess recovery requirements
  • Identify the need for backing up to Cloud and explain the challenges with a conventional backup infrastructure
  • Describe Storage Cloud Service and Backup Encryption
  • Describe the high-level architecture of Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service
  • Explain the features of RMAN Compression and Encryption when using with Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service
  • Monitor and manage Cloud backups, and explain the best practices when using Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service
  • Describe the architecture of Oracle Cloud Backup when used with Cloud-deployed databases
  • Describe the backup strategy on DBCS
  • Perform backup operations for single-instance and RAC databases
  • Describe on-premises and Cloud backup configuration
  • Customize the current backup configuration
  • Describe the restore and recovery methods and explain the process
  • Explain various recovery scenarios
  • Explain the backup and recovery strategy, and how a change in strategy impacts database administration tasks
  • Describe various use cases

Программа курса:

  • Backup and Recovery Strategy - What Is It? Why Would You Want to Align It?
  • Back Up Your Oracle Database - to Oracle Cloud
  • Back Up Your On-Premises Oracle Database to Oracle Cloud
  • Managing DBCS Backups on Oracle Cloud
  • Customizing Backup Configuration on DBCS
  • Review Your Backup and Recovery Strategy on DBCS
  • Use Case – Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service
180 000 ₽


1 день (8ч в неделю)

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